About the CRAFFT
The CRAFFT is a well-validated substance use screening tool for adolescents aged 12-21. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Bright Futures Guidelines for preventive care screenings and well-visits.
Get the CRAFFT
The CRAFFT tool is free to use. The tool is available as a self-administered questionnaire to be completed by a patient and as an interview tool to be administered by a provider. The CRAFFT is available in several languages.
Use the CRAFFT
Reproduce the CRAFFT to fit the needs of your practice, whether on paper or integrated into your EMR. Get detailed instructions for reproducing, administering, and scoring the CRAFFT.
- The CRAFFT 2.1 and 2.1+N are available! We invite you to use the updated version of the CRAFFT which includes vaping and edibles as methods of administration for marijuana. The CRAFFT 2.1+N also includes the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC) to address nicotine and tobacco use.
- Updated CRAFFT 2.1 and 2.1+N language translations are here! Check them out!
- Pocket Cards of the CRAFFT 2.1+N Screening Interview are now available to order! Find them here!